Elm programming language is a notation for writing programs that run on a web browser. The description of the language is split into two components: syntax and semantics.
Elm provides quite a few benefits that are lacking in most mainstream languages: immutable values, pure functions, fuzz testing, a powerful type system, pattern matching, and the absence of runtime errors.
module Playground exposing (main)
import Html
escapeEarth myVelocity mySpeed fuelStatus =
escapeVelocityInKmPerSec =
orbitalSpeedInKmPerSec =
whereToLand =
if fuel == "low" then
"Land on droneship"
"Land on launchpad"
if myVelocity > escapeVelocityInKmPerSec then
else if mySpeed == orbitalSpeedInKmPerSec then
"Stay in orbit"
whereToLand fuelStatus
computeSpeed distance time =
distance / time
computeTime startTime endTime =
endTime - startTime
It became very clear to me sitting out there today
that every decision I've made in my entire life has
been wrong. My life is the complete "opposite" of
everything I want it to be. Every instinct I have,
in every aspect of life, be it something to wear,
something to eat - it's all been wrong.
main =
{- Html.text (escapeEarth 11 (computeSpeed 7.67 (computeTime 2 3))) -}
-- partial function application
computeTime 2 3
|> computeSpeed 7.67
-- |> called forward function applicaion operator , or pipe operator ( pipe the result from previous expression to the next one)
|> escapeEarth 11
|> Html.text
{- backforward function application <| -}
add a b =
a + b
multiply c d =
c * d
divide e f =
e / f
main =
Html.text (String.fromFloat (add 5 (multiply 10 (divide 30 10))))
divide 30 10
|> multiply 10
|> add 5
|> String.fromFloat
|> Html.text
Html.text <| String.fromFloat <| add 5 <| multiply 10 <| divide 30 10
--Filter a string
isValid char= char /= '-'
>isValid = \char -> char /= '-'
>isValid '-'
String.filter isValid "222-11-5555"
-- output: "222115555"
-- anonymous function
-- An anonymous function like (\param -> someFunction x param) can always be
-- rewritten as (someFunction x) as long as param is the last argument.
String.filter (\char -> char /= '-') "222-11-5555"
-- output: "222115555"
{- Regular Expressions -}
import Regex
--Define a pattern that matches the time (09:32 a.m.) we're looking for
pattern = "\\d\\d:\\d\\d (a\\.m\\.|p\\.m\\.)"
-- "\\d\\d:\\d\\d (a\\.m\\.|p\\.m\\.)"
-- Create a regular expression by passing pattern to the Regex.fromString function
maybeRegex = Regex.fromString pattern
-- Just {} : Maybe Regex
-- Extract the regular expression inside Maybe container using the Maybe.withDefault function
regex = Maybe.withDefault Regex.never maybeRegex
-- {}
apollo11 = """
On July 16, 1969, the massive Saturn V rocket
lifted off from NASA's Kennedy Space Center at
09:32 a.m. EDT. Four days later, on July 20, Neil
Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the Moon.
-- verify that the substring exists
isLaunchTimeIn = Regex.contains regex apollo11
-- True
-- extract the substring, Regex.find return a list of records
launchTimes = Regex.find regex apollo11
-- [{ index = 103, match = "09:32 a.m.", number = 1, submatches = [Just "a.m."] }]
--extract the match key inside the record
time= List.map (\launchTime -> launchTime.match) launchTimes
--["09:32 a.m."] : List String
{- descending sort -}
descending a b =
case compare a b of
LT ->
GT ->
EQ ->
List.sortWith descending [ 316, 320, 312, 370, 337, 318, 314 ]
-- [370,337,320,318,316,314,312]
{- Returning Multiple Values From a Function -}
validateEmail email =
emailPattern =
regex =
Maybe.withDefault Regex.never <|
Regex.fromString emailPattern
isValid =
Regex.contains regex email
if isValid then
( "Valid email","green" )
( "Invalid email","red" )
-- main =
validateEmail "thedude@rubix.com"
|> Debug.toString
|> Html.text
{- Record -}
type alias TVShow =
{ creator : String
, episodes : Int
, name : String
firefly = TVShow "Joss Whedon" 14 "Firefly"
-- {creator="Joss Whedon", episodes=14, name="Firefly"}
-- Accessing values
hasCreator tvShow = String.length tvShow.creator > 0
-- <function> : { a | creator : String } -> Bool
hasCreator firefly
-- True : Bool
got = TVShow "" 60 "Game of Thrones"
-- { Creator = "", episodes = 60, name = "Game of Thrones" }
hasCreator got
-- False : Bool
--"Joss Whedon"
--Special Accessor Functions
.creator firefly
--"Joss Whedon"
.episodes firefly
.name firefly
--Modifyling a record
--all values in Elm are immutable. Elm doesn't modify an existing record.
--It always returns a new one that contains the modified value
incrementEpisode tvShow = { tvShow | episodes = tvShow.episodes + 1 }
incrementEpisode firefly
--{ creator = "Joss Whedon", episodes = 15, name = "Firefly" }